Business Rates
Non-domestic rates are a substantial tax on any business or organisation occupying property. We create solutions that assist with rating relief, void property charges and appeals and our advice crosses many sectors, often conducted on a performance related basis, ensuring the client pays an appropriate fee for the job in hand. A substantial saving can be made by way of the appeals process.
All business properties of a non-domestic nature are re-valued on the same date, which is always two years before the revaluation comes into effect. An appeal against a rateable value begins with a proposal to alter the list. There are key time limits when making proposals and you would need to provide reasons for any proposal.
The ‘UBR’ is the uniform business rate multiplier and this is the part used when your local council calculates your business rates bill. At a revaluation the multipliers are revised so the overall bill should only change with inflation.
Rates relief is available via several rate relief schemes; some are automatic but others need to be applied for.
We will always be delighted to provide initial advice and assist with prospects for an appeal.