Ringwood Acquired by...
Primmer Olds BAS are pleased to have been involved in another acquisition from their new Ringwood office. Primmer Olds BAS were retained by a local travel agent, to assist in identifying new premises and negotiate the agreement of heads of terms for a new lease. The travel agent will soon open the doors to 5 High Street in Ringwood, a prominent ground floor shop within Fridays Court building. The company was founded in 1989 and has had continued success in the travel industry for 28 years. The property had been marketed by two local agents with a quoting rental of £14,000 per annum.
Consultant, Gareth Dop commented; “ I have acted in a professional capacity for the new occupier for a number of years and I am delighted to have secured them new premises. Given our locality, I have a good understanding of the local market and was able to act quickly to achieve the best possible terms for my client.”
If you would like any further information regarding occupier acquisition services provided by Primmer Olds BAS in Dorset, please do not hesitate to contact our Ringwood office on 01425 480243.